Singing Bridges Music

Singing Bridges Live Concerts and Compositions

New Albums Available Now!

The sounds of bridges under construction, recorded during the building of

Rama VIII Mega Bridge in Bangkok & Green Bridge, Brisbane


Singing Bridges Live Performances at Club Gloria, Helsinki; KinoDvor, Ljubljana; Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts; Electrofringe and Symbiosis Radio.

Live_compilation_x5_FINALSinging Bridges on the Danube, as part of European Sound Delta, Live in Linz and Love’s Pirate at L’Ososphere Festival, Strasbourg.


Singing Bridges Compositions & Installations Released on Tiramizu, Nice

Commissions by City Sonic Festival Belgium & Sonorama Besancon, France.


Additional material including interviews, radio works, experiments and ephemera. 2005 original Singing Bridges: Vibrations & Variations now available in digital format.

Buy any of these albums to enjoy the bridge music at home or while you’re out on the road, and help support the editing and publication of my kaleidoscopic travel memoir, taking you on a wild trip over many bridges and through the European cultural underground…

Thank you!